Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today was day two of working at Queens Hospital and it went well!  Kelsey, Abigail and I went into the orthopedic and oncology Pediatric wards and prayed for the kids and guardians.  We saw a lot of the same kids and guardians as yesterday and it was encouraging for them to see us coming again.  Most of the kids are getting better, it is a slow process sometimes, but it is still very encouraging!  After spending our allotted hour in the wards we went to town to make more copies of the book we are handing out.  After getting 500 copies of the book made to pass out to the sick kids, we went back to Queens and had an early lunch. 

When the three of us originally brainstormed things we could do at Queens, we came up with an idea to read the Bible to the guardians (parents of the sick kids).  Well, today God really placed on my heart to do it, so after lunch I did.  I read the story of Job and gave a brief message on how we need to trust and have faith in God in both good and bad situations.  They all seemed to really enjoy hearing the story and because there where so many sitting outside because it was their lunch hour, I ended up reading and giving the message four times.  Thankfully, I had Abigail to help me because I can not read Chichewa well enough so she translated everything for me.  I have come to realize that these people do not hear Bible stories, they go to church and hear a sermon but they do not know most Bible stories.  For me to read one of the stories and then share a basic truth is fairly simple because these people are spiritual babies, I feel like I am teaching Sunday school.  Which is not a bad thing, I love teaching Sunday school and I am teaching them where they are at spiritually, it works out wonderfully. 

After reading to a young group of women they asked us to go into the ward that their sick babies where in and pray for them.  So, of course we did, it was neat to go into another ward.  The ward was filled to the max with sick babies from new born to two years old.  They were all mostly sick with flu or a cold and we went around praying for them.  The funny/sad thing was that most of the babies were scared of us because the only other white people they have ever seen have been doctors and there is no way to explain to an infant that we are not doctors.  As we moved from one end of the ward to the other, you could hear the babies crying as we moved.  Despite the crying, it was nice to encourage the parents and they really appreciated it. 

Then we went to the Moyo ward and passed out our books to the children.  It was sad to see that a lot of the same kids and parents where still there but it was nice to pray for them again and give then much needed encouragement. 

Once we finished at Queens for the day, we went to the school and folded the books we had made copies of earlier so that they would be ready to be passed out the rest of the week.  The rest of our afternoon and evening were nice and uneventful.

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