Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This morning I went to church early to help Maribeth with the King’s Kids Ministry.  The ministry does Sunday school Sunday mornings before church starts for the boys who do not have parents and live on the streets.  I ended up teaching a group of seven or eight younger boys, from the ages of 6-12.  They were dirty and smelly but really, really sweet kids.  I shared how God created the world and everything in it.  I read some scripture in Chichewa out of the Bible and despite the difficulty of not knowing much Chichewa I was able to communicate with them fairly well.  I really enjoyed teaching them and giving them love and attention because I could see that they all craved knowledge and affection.  While I was with them I was also able to put band aides on cuts that two boys had.  I had to put gloves on to protect myself even though I was just administering a band aide because I did not know their state of health.  They really needed that caring mother figure to make their bloody wound better and this small little act of placing a band aide on a scraped ankle and cut hand was something I could do.  Seeing their grateful faces and them knowing that I cared for them really touched my heart.  I plan on helping Maribeth with these boys from now until I leave.  I will probably have ten more boys show up next week with bloody wounds needing band aides, but if that is what they need then I will do it. 

The church service was long, every year the church presents their finance book for the past year as an accountability check.  Oh my goodness, we ended up going a half hour later than normal, I was starting to get antsy like a little child; however, the worship time was really good.  Our Chichewa lessons got cancelled because Francis is sick so we came home and spent the nice afternoon relaxing.  It was uneventful but really good.    

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