Today Kelsey and I met Abigail at Queens . We played and prayed for the kids in the orthopedic and oncology wards. We then went outside to the grassy area by the maternity and infant wards and prayed for the people out there. We basically went to one group at a time, introduced ourselves and then asked if they had any prayer requests. Most of the guardians had new babies in the ward and were waiting for them to be discharged. It was a nice time praying, thanking God for new life and asking for Him to bless the life of a child.
We had an early lunch and then Abbie and I read Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepherd” to the guardians. A couple of the older women knew it and quoted it as Abbie read it, which was neat, but most listened. We went to one group of guardians to the next outside for an hour, then we visited the Moyo ward. The positive side of seeing the same kids and guardians every day is the fact that we can give then continuous encouragement and actually build a relationship with them, which is important.
After we were finished at Queens , Kelsey and I ran some errands in town. We ended up finding DVDs for sale in the Blantyre market which were only $3! Because we both miss watching movies, we both got a couple. They are in English and have English subtitles, which cannot be turned off, and they are definitely not HD plasma screen TV quality but when you’re far from home and just want to watch a movie, it works. Maribeth mentioned that the movies are probably pirated copies, which I honestly did not even think of, but thankfully that is not a big deal here in Malawi . This evening I watched The Lion King because #1: I’m in Africa and what better movie to watch?! And #2: to get me ready for the safari Kelsey and I are going on tomorrow! I am super excited!
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