Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Today was bad, but God is taking care of me.  I have been having heartburn-like pain the past three days.  Well, this morning I could not even eat breakfast without it hurting so badly.  Kelsey went to the store and got me an antacid to take but it did not help.  I stayed home and rested, Tiger napped with me, he was a great comfort.  In the afternoon Maribeth and Kelsey took me to a private hospital so I could see a doctor.  The doctor was not really sure what is wrong with me but he gave me two medications that will help the pain.  It will coat my throat and esophagus and make eating better.  It has helped a little so far, hopefully by tomorrow it will be gone.  Also, later Maribeth found some Oragel that she had, which will relieve the pain of my wisdom teeth coming in.  Satan is really attacking my health right now, but I am trusting in God to take care of me.  I pray that I will be feeling better soon so I can continue to help the team and start working at the hospital. 


  1. Hi Becca. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I'm sending healthy healing thoughts your way, I know a great orthopedic doc when you get home... All is good here in California, we miss you.

  2. Oh Becca - i know how hard it is when you are not feeling well and are so far from home. I pray earnestly that you will feel better soon!
